uni:docs Fellows 2016

The uni:docs fellowship programme is an individual scholarship which aims at financing excellent candidates for a period of three years. In October 2016, the following 21 uni:docs fellows start their research position at the University of Vienna.

Hüseyin Kaya Akyüz

Department of Science and Technology Studies

Research Project: Genopolitics: The Dynamics in Trying to Make a New Research Field

Supervisor: Ulrike Felt

Roswitha Bammer

Department of Mathematics

Research project: Innovative Signal Representation in Machine Learning (ISiRIM) - Methods for Music

Supervisor: Monika Dörfler

Eleonora Gaudieri

Department of History of Art

Research projcet: Alois Riegl und Die Entstehung der Barockkunst in Rom

Supervisor: Sebastian Schütze

Elisa Heinrich

Department of Contemporary History 

Research project: Zur Diskursivierung der ‚weiblichen Homosexuellen‘ – Transfers zwischen Sexualwissenschaften, Rechtsdiskurs und Frauenbewegungen in Deutschland (1870-1914)

Supervisors: Johanna Gehmacher, Franz X. Eder

Ann-Kathrin Jeske

Department of Egyptology

Research project: Militärisches und administratives Personal in der südlichen und zentralen Levante. Eine Betrachtung der Bronzezeit mit Fokus auf spätbronzezeitlichen Machtausübungen

Supervisors: E. Christiana Köhler, Wolfgang Zwickel

Elisabeth Lechner

Department of English and American Studies

Research project: “Too much information!? The ‘disgusting’ female body in contemporary popular culture between subversion and commodification”

Supervisor: Monika Seidl

Gerd Mathias Micheluzzi

Department of History of Art

Research project: Der Schlagschatten in der Malerei des 14. und frühen 15. Jahrhunderts. Zur Funktion und Genese eines Bildelements.

Supervisor: Michael Viktor Schwarz

Clemens Pachschwöll

Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research

Research project: Detecting ‘invaders in disguise’ – DNA barcoding of invasive plant species in Austria

Supervisor: Gerald Schneeweiss

Silvia Salino

Department of East Asian Studies

Research project: Contemporary Chinese Biography: the Many Faces of Jiang Qing

Supervisor: Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik

Martin Strauss

Department of Philosophy

Research project: Neo-Kantianism and Sociology. Comparing German and French Academic Fields, 1870-1930.

Supervisor: Elisabeth Nemeth

Seyda Subasi

Department of Education

Research project: Developing an Understanding for the Overrepresented Referral of Pupils with Turkish Background to Special Education in Austria

Supervisor: Gottfried Biewer

Atabek Atayev

Department for Economics

Research project: Network Marketing and Consumer Search

Supervisor: Maarten Janssen

Luisa Drews

Department of German Studies

Research project: Der Kriegsblinde und das Hörspiel. Ästhetiken und Politiken der Blindheit im Rundfunk (1920er-1960er)

Supervisor: Eva Horn

Esther Greussing

Department of Communication

Research project: Learning from multimedia news? The effects of multimedia journalism on citizens’ political knowledge

Supervisor: Hajo Boomgarden

Raffael Heiss

Department of Communication

Research project: Political Actors on Social Media: Outreach, Message Content and Effects on Young Citizens

Supervisor: Jörg Matthes

Katja Kerman

Department of Applied Psychology: Work, Education and Economy

Research project: New work demands and health: exploring links, mechanisms and causal relations.

Supervisors: Christian Korunka & Sara Tement (University of Maribor)

Flora Lutz

Department of Economics

Research project: Reserve Requirements: Revival of an outdated instrument in economic policy?

Supervisor: Paul Pichler

Patricia Oberluggauer

Department of Government

Research project: Class Voting Revisited

Supervisor: Sylvia Kritzinger

Giulia Rubino

Department of Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information

Reserach project: Experimental Study of Causal Structures in Quantum Mechanics

Supervisor: Philip Walther

Florian Scharhauser

Department for Limnology and Bio-Oceanography

Research project: “Stilbonematology”: Diversity and phylogeny of a marine bacteria-nematode symbiosis

Supervisor:Jörg Ott

Tiffany Su

Department of Microbiology, Immunobiology and Genetics

Research project: Centriole Assembly and Function in Ciliogenesis

Supervisor: Alexander Dammermann