The Raqmyat project will contribute to the emergence of a new paradigm of doctoral training in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Tunisia. This general objective will be addressed through the development of practices related to the inclusion of digital SSH and the reinforcement of transversal skills in the doctoral courses of seven Tunisian universities.

The overall goal of the REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) COFUND Programme is to establish a support scheme for excellent postdoctoral female researchers to foster their scientific development, to nurture their expertise and to make a profound impact on their future careers.

Als ein Schritt zur digitalen Transformation vernetzt das Projekt RIS Synergy Forschungsinformationssysteme österreichischer Universitäten, Systeme von Fördergebern und öffentlicher Verwaltung. Über Schnittstellen und gemeinsame Standards soll bei gleichzeitiger Ressourcenschonung die Datenqualität gesteigert werden.

Das Wissens- und Technologietransferzentrum Ost (WTZ Ost) versteht sich als Plattform und Drehscheibe, um Forschungsergebnisse, neue Erkenntnisse, Technologien, Erfindungen und Know How nicht nur innerhalb der Universitäten optimal zusammen zu führen, sondern diese auch der Wirtschaft, unserer Gesellschaft und der Politik zugänglich zu machen.

LEAD2 is an Erasmus+ capacity building project coordinated by VUB. The objectives include strengthening the capacity of higher education institutions in governance and academic leadership, and improving the knowledge and capacity of (potential) academic leaders in HE management and leadership. To this end, targeted blended trainings (MOOC, workshops & peer learning) for academic leaders are developed.

The MARDS project addresses one of the most acute problems in Montenegrin and Albanian education systems, the doctoral studies. Its main objective is to reconstruct them in line with Salzburg Principles and establish sustainable and modern Pilot Joint Doctoral Schools between two friendly neighbours partner countries that will serve as an example of “good practice” for the WB Region.

The REVALORISE+ (REvalue) project will deliver a programme of valorisation support and training for researchers wishing to explore the entrepreneurial and social potential of their Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research. It will address the specific SSH valorisation skills gaps of knowledge and technology transfer (KT/TT) professionals, the first point of contact and support provider for academic entrepreneurship and social engagement activities at universities. It also aims to develop a new generation of SSH researchers empowered to use their research to impact society.

The project aims to contribute to improvement of doctoral education, better collaboration between the academic and business sector and retention of talents in the region of Vienna-Bratislava. This should be achieved through developing tools and institutional capacities for delivery of inter-sectoral career training preparing PhD students for career paths beyond academia with specific focus on life sciences. The focus on the specific sector should enable for a more in-depth approach leading to better targeted and thus more effective training programme. 

Cultural Heritage 2.0

The project aims to support the regeneration of the European Heritage sector in a highly digitised post-COVID19 world. Equipping academic staff and educators with the knowledge, skills and resources to engage in educational activities with representatives of the cultural heritage sector and organise problem-based learning interventions in multidisciplinary teams of students.

A central goal of INDICAR is to further strengthen the role of post-doctoral researchers as critically thinking, independent, autonomous and risk taking researchers and innovators, who will contribute to the benefit of academia and society at large.


Doctoral education has been undergoing a dramatic change in the last decade in Europe. However, whereas the need for targeted investments in the personal and professional development of PhD candidates, support structures such as doctoral schools, and higher quality of scientific supervision are widely accepted, a proper investment in the professional development of administrative staff needed to support the overall endeavour is rather neglected...

Projekte der DLE

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 19 von 19

Wissenstransferzentrum Ost (WTZ Ost 3.0)

Reckling, T. & Holzmayer, M.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung


O'Reilly, A., Holzmayer, M. & Reckling, T.


Projekt: Bildungsförderung

REWIRE: REinforcing Women In REsearch

Benetton, S., Schaschl, H., Zinner, L., Vidnes, T., Grabner, L., Fuchslueger, L., Richter, A., Johnston, R., Calori, A., Ther, P., Schmidt Cernohorska, M., Dammermann, A., Spisiakova, E., Kaindl, K., Batstone, L., Jobst, K. S., Sposini, V., Likos, C., Kahn, R. J., Andrews, T., Molchanova, A., Stefanelli, U., Axyonova, V., Lecheler, S., Vider, J., Schweitzer, P., Miklaszewska, M., Weckwerth, W., Castejon Caballero, N., Marko, D., Mrovlje, M., Marchart, O., Saak, C., Mezger-Backus, E. H. G., Schnorr, S. L. & Berry, D.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Wissenstransferzentren Ost

Reckling, T., Grabner, L. & Holzmayer, M.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

PROMOLI: Promotionsstellen ohne Limit

Vetter, E. & Kutsch, C.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Reforming doctoral studies in Montenegro and Albania - good practice paradigm

Zinner, L., Zuser, D., Wimmer, M., Schmidt, L. & Lindorfer, B.


Projekt: Bildungsförderung

THEKAISERSMOSQUES: Islamic architecture and Orientalizing style in Habsburg Bosnia, 1878-1918

Hartmuth, M., Rüdiger, J., Niemand, F., Jäger-Klein, C., Vasold, G., Omerovic, A., Vatansever, N., Wimmer, M. & Fogel, S. J.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

EDIPUS: European Digital Portfolio for University Students

Zinner, L. & Zuser, D.


Projekt: Bildungsförderung

WTZ Ost: Wissens- und Technologietransferzentrum Ost

Reckling, T., Zinner, L., Kober, J., Mahdalik, L. M., Grabner, L. & Puttinger, J.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

INDICAR: Interdisciplinary Cancer Research

Schaschl, H. & Radlberger, A.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

PRIDE: Professionals in Doctoral Education

Zinner, L., Wimmer, M., Lindorfer, B., O'Reilly, A. & Schmidt, L.


Projekt: Bildungsförderung

Modern Doctoral Studies

Zinner, L. & O'Reilly, A.


Projekt: Bildungsförderung

InEnter: Improving the Placements and Internships from Academia to Enterprises

Zinner, L. & Schmidt, L.


Projekt: Bildungsförderung

Innovative doctoral studies

Zinner, L. & O'Reilly, A.


Projekt: Bildungsförderung

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