Postdoc Conference 2024

June 10, 2024: Postdoc Conference at the University of Vienna
Location: Sky-Lounge Oskar Morgenstern Platz 1 (12th floor), 1090 Vienna

The University of Vienna wants to support postdocs in the future with measures for career development (inside and beyond academia). To this end, a postdoc project was launched at the DLE Research Services and Career Development on January 1, 2024. As a kick-off for the project, a conference was held, with the aim of providing information about the vision of the project, to shed light on the international and national dimensions of the challenges for postdocs, and to highlight possible scope for action with international best practices.

Opening the program, Manuela Baccarini, Vice-Rector for Research and International Affairs presented the vision of the University of Vienna, which focusses on empowering postdocs through targeted, specific offers for career development.

 “Being a Postdoc is not a Career,” was the core message of both keynotes, which highlighted successful measures implemented for this reason. At Imperial College London, a Postdoc Development Center was established back in 2009. Liz Elvidge, the head and a pioneer in Europe, shared her long-standing experiences in the field. Imperial clearly focuses on ownership, has postdoc representatives in all departments, and has negotiated 10 days for career development activities in their postdocs' contracts.
At KU Leuven, a Postdoc Charter, a guideline for expectation management, for role clarity and for defining responsibilities was introduced. This is discussed and signed within three months of starting a postdoc position. Using Independent Development Plans (IDP) and mandatory info sessions, a career reflection process between postdoc and supervisor is initiated. John Creemers, who has been significantly involved in the development of these instruments at his institution, also pointed out iSupervise, a program that prepares new members of KU Leuvens Senior Academic Staff, who are in charge of a research team,
for their role as supervisors.
From the Berlin University Alliance, Sabine Hunke reported on the establishment of the Postdoc Academy. The joint career support services for postdocs, offered by four Berlin universities, aims to strengthen the independence of the Berlin postdocs, who should benefit from networking and career development resources beyond institutional boundaries.
In Zurich, the UZH Graduate Campus is increasingly focussing its activities on postdocs. Claudine Leysinger reported on the Swiss Action Plan for Early Career Researchers (2025-2028), whose numerous recommendations also include clear employment conditions for postdocs.

A special focus on the local conditions was set in the session "Postdocs in Austria". Elmar Pichl, Director General of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), presented the political perspective and referred to recommendations of the Austrian University Conference's working group on career paths in academia.

With Anna Durnova and Oliver Heckl, two members of the Advisory Board of the postdoc project reported on their own experiences and career paths. Anna Durnova also provided insights into the target group using the key results of the survey on the employment situation of “Mittelbau” at the University of Vienna and introduced C.O.A.S.T (Collaboration - Openness - Allignment - Shared Responsibility - Transparency) as a possible strategy for a sustainable career.

The insights of the REWIRE (Reinforcing Women In Research) program of the University of Vienna, presented by Thea Vidnes, confirmed once again the necessity of expectation management and good communication with the target group.
Susanne Leeb from the Ludwig Boltzmann Society (LBG) Career Center highlighted the instruments that have already been tested for intersectoral career development in her institution and how much postdocs benefit from interinstitutional offerings.

In the panel discussion at the end, there was consensus on the need for open, honest, and clear communication. In the future, the University of Vienna will offer a variety of career development opportunities that postdocs can take advantage of.

Download the Presentations of the Postdoc Conference 2024:


10:00-10:15Welcome Note: Vision of Univie Manuela Baccarini, University of Vienna
10:15-11:00Keynote 1: What every Postdoc needs to knowLiz Elvidge, Imperial College London
11:00-11:45Keynote 2: The career-wise postdoc: From expectation management to conscious career decisions John Creemers, KU Leuven
13:30-15:30Postdocs in Austria

Lucas Zinner, University of Vienna
Elmar Pichl, BMBWF
Susanne Leeb, LBG Career Center
Anna Durnova, University of Vienna
Thea Vidnes, University of Vienna

15:30-16:30What are other universities implementing?Sabine Hunke, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Claudine Leysinger, UZH Graduate Campus
16:30-17:15Panel Discussion: What objectives should we aim for for our postdocs?Manuela Baccarini, Liz Elvidge, Elmar Pichl, John Creemers, Sabine Hunke, Claudine Leysinger, Thea Vidnes
17:15-17:30Closing remarks and outlookOliver Heckl, University of Vienna
17:30Summer Party


Madeleine Harbich
Postdocs Career Development Officer
Tel.: +43-1-4277-18277